Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, environment, literature, technological reform with the desire to make change in society. Forms of activism range from writing letters to newspapers, petitioning elected officials, running or contributing to a political campaign, preferential patronage (or boycott) of businesses, and demonstrative forms of activism like rallies, street marches, strikes, sit-ins, hunger strikes, and talks.
It does not make Fradians happy to see an other human suffering, it forces FRADI to performing activism on a day-to-day basis in a wide variety of ways by advocating for community’s interests and by doing so lives are being saved.
The activism FRADI is engaged the most in :
Labor : Trade unionists and those who stand up for labor rights threaten the interests of powerful corporations, making them frequent targets of attack. FRADI is determined to have employments act is fulfilled and enjoyed by both parts.
Journalism : As those who investigate and expose human rights abuses, journalists are under intense threats of being silenced for work. FRADI works hand in hand with investigative journalists to address and expose human rights abuse.
Legal Profession : Human rights lawyers and other legal professionals such as judges are key to enforcing our rights, so often fall victim to attacks; despite that FRADI is well placed in address the rights of oppressed, marginalized, criminalized, deprived of their rights or properties to the relevant instances to have the issue fixed.
LGBTI : LBGTI is an abbreviation for ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex whose activists are frequently attacked because we challenge traditional, social and religious structures and norms. FRADI activists are at risk not just because of what they do, but also simply because of how they are in support and defense of those LGBTI who are rejected by their own families, community that should offer any support they need to enjoy to the full their existence.
Indigenous Rights : Indigenous people have long been subject to exclusion, poverty and displacement. They often stand in the way of big corporate land interests, making them prime targets for attack. FRADI is the voice of the voiceless. The term indigenous comes from a Latin word, indigena meaning a native to FRADI indigenous refers to any local person other refugee, asylum seeker or/and immigrant. FRADI is at the front line of defending rights and interests of indigenous who are oppressed, silenced, marginalized, forgotten in terms of social development.
Refugees’, Asylum seekers’ & Immigrants Rights : These are individuals who left their home countries to seek safety in foreign countries where seem to be safety on their side and economic stability for the migrants, all these are subjects to all forms of violence of human rights, violation of the convention of 28 July 1951, UN chatter.
Women’s Rights : Female activists are often attacked simply because they are women. Whether fighting for women’s rights or human rights in general, women who speak up are seen as a threat to tradition, and are often smeared, sexually harassed and attacked as a result.
Respect of human rights and alleviation of human suffering is the core task of FRADI; this is why FRADI will always be ready to respond to any need at any time when there is need.
From her foundation has advocated for more than six hundred cases of refugees and asylum seekers that involve refugee service providers, and others involve the subjects among themselves.
More than eighty families of host communities have been served by FRADI in terms of advocacy and legal services.
We are limitless in serving and promoting Development of communities.
God has done alot for refuge comunity
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